
In the event of a cancelled booking, your own cancellation policy will apply provided same can be shown to have been communicated to any customer or is clearly displayed on your website. If you don’t have your own policy, or such policy has not been communicated to any customer or displayed on your website then the following default policy will be applicable:

· No show or cancellation within 14 days of stay – No refund due.· Cancellation between 15 and 30 days before stay – 25% of the deposit will be refunded.
· Cancellation between 60 and 30 days before stay – 50% of the deposit will be refunded
· Cancellation more than 60 days before stay – full refund.

Please note that in terms of the CPA you are required to ensure that your cancellation policy is reasonable. You indemnify us from any loss we may suffer as a result of your failure to implement a CPA compliant cancellations policy


On receipt of a request from a customer to cancel the reservation, Ultra Bookings will:
• apply the cancellation policy you have specified on your listing or, if you have not specified one, will apply Ultra Bookings’ default cancellation policy as above.
• charge our commission (excluding VAT) based on the amount that you have retained from the cancelled booking.
• then refund the relevant amount (if any) to the customer within 3 (three) for 5 (five) working days of the cancellation request.
You will receive an invoice for any amounts owing to Ultra Bookings if the cancelled booking was already paid to you. The amount must be paid back to Ultra Bookings in full on the first working day following Ultra Bookings requesting you to do so, failing which Ultra Bookings will be entitled to deduct the outstanding amount from any future monies payable from Ultra Bookings to you, howsoever arising.
• In the event of customers cancelling because of serious sickness or death in their immediate family, Ultra Bookings encourages a policy of full refund; should you determine this policy appropriate and refund any payments made in full, we will refund our commission for these compassionate refunds.


Ultra Bookings aims to on pay all monies owed to you after 3 (three) to 6 (six) working days of receipt thereof, including balance payments. You agree to honour bookings processed by Ultra Bookings prior to receipt of these funds. You agree that where a customer
has paid Ultra Bookings directly under no circumstances do you have any right to detain any customer, or withhold any amount from
them directly. In the event that you interfere with any customers’ stay or enjoyment of your facility Ultra Bookings reserves the right to pursue damages claim against you for any reputational damages suffered as a result of your actions. Should there be any queries relating to payments already made by the Customer to Ultra Bookings you agree to contact Ultra Bookings directly and not direct your queries to the Customer.
Should you require a SWIFT on payment, Ultra Bookings aims to on pay you all monies owed to you after 3 (three) working days of receipt of an accurate invoice from you. You agree to honour bookings processed by Ultra Bookings prior to receipt of these funds.
Ultra Bookings reserves the right to withhold or delay any on payment of funds if they have reason to suspect that there is any fraudulent activity associated with the booking or the payment of the funds to the establishment. Any payment will be withheld pending investigation of the transaction and verification of the parties involved.
Ultra Bookings reserves the right to offset any amounts owing to it against any payments due and payable by Ultra Bookings to you.
Please note that Ultra Bookings is reliant on their online banking service to pay you monies owed. Whilst Ultra Bookings will at all times endeavour to make all payments timeously, sometimes during high-usage periods this platform becomes temporarily inaccessible and payment may be delayed. Although payment will be made as soon as is reasonably possible, Ultra Bookings disclaims any and all
liability arising out of late payments.
Certain bank charges may apply on settlement. For example, if your bank account is located outside of South Africa, bank charges including SWIFT fees and the cost of converting the payment into your local currency may be charged by your bank in order to deposit the funds into your account. You agree to accept these costs.


You shall calculate and pay all taxes, duties, levies, tariffs or similar charges of any kind (including withholding or value added taxes) imposed by any state, local, or other governmental entity for services provided under this Agreement, excluding only taxes based solely on Ultra Bookings net income. In the event you are required to withhold any amounts towards payment of tax on payments
made to Ultra Bookings under this Agreement (“Withholding Tax”), you shall deduct same from the amount and furnish all proof required by Ultra Bookings to enable Ultra Bookings to claim a credit from any relevant tax authorities. You shall hold Ultra Bookings harmless
from all claims and liability arising from your failure to provide the said documentation.
Correctness of information and Reviews
You hereby warrant that all information you supply is correct and that you have the right to all intellectual property, including without limitation the trademarks in any names and logos, in the information provided to us and the right to use or are the holder of the copyright over any photographs or images displayed on your website. You furthermore undertake to ensure that all information will be continuously updated, including the description of your rates, all live calendars and the services offered.
Ultra Bookings uses a network of authorised affiliates to publish information. You hereby authorise us to use such affiliates to publish your information. Due to issues of real time updates certain information provided or amended by you may not update automatically on all affiliate websites. If this occurs, we cannot be responsible for information or misrepresentations on affiliate’s sites. These affiliates serve as traffic generators and although effort is made to ensure correct information Ultra Bookings does not vet the content on these websites and accordingly you agree that we cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies found on websites not owned and updated by Ultra Bookings or as a result of any infringement of any third-party rights. Should you come across any inaccuracies please notify us and we will immediately request the affiliate concerned to update their information within a reasonable time frame from notification.
Ultra Bookings invites all guests who stay at your establishment to submit a review of their stay which you hereby consent to uspublishing on your homepage on our website. You will be provided with an opportunity to respond to such review. Such response wilbe dealt with in terms of our Review Policy and Posting Guidelines available on our website. You hereby agree to allow Ultra Bookingsto publish these reviews and acknowledge that Ultra Bookings is not responsible for the content thereof and indemnify us from any andall damages that you may suffer as a result hereof.
Bank Details – Your Responsibility
It is your responsibility to ensure that Ultra Bookings has correct bank details on record. Should you fail to provide us with your correct banking details, Ultra bookings reserves the right to retain any funds due and payable to you until such time as we have been provided with the correct banking details.
Should a change in ownership or bank account take place, Ultra Bookings must immediately be notified so that old account details can be removed. Ultra Bookings reserves the right to request whatever documentation it in its sole discretion determines to be relevant in order to demonstrate a valid and legal change in banking details.
Ultra Bookings is not responsible for payments made into incorrect accounts if not timeously notified in writing of the change.
Once the bank details have been uploaded you are sent an acknowledgement of changes made and are required to re-verify a account details. Should we not hear from you within 24 (twenty-four) hours of such acknowledgement being sent, such lack of response will be deemed to be an acknowledgement as to the accuracy of the changes made.
Chargebacks – Your Responsibility
Online payments processed by Ultra Bookings can in certain circumstances (typically fraud) be contested by the cardholder, and the transaction reversed. This is known as a “charge back”.
In this case, Ultra Bookings is obliged to pay the credit card transaction amount back to our merchant bank. You agree that Ultra Bookings can either set off this sum against future monies due and payable to you by Ultra Bookings or that you will refund to Ultra Bookings any amounts on-paid to you, which are subsequently charged back, within 3 (three) working days of being advised thereof.
Quotation Errors
Please note that if you quote a customer incorrectly and the customer accepts this quotation you have the option to accept or decline the booking; however, if you accept the booking, you are required to honour it at the amount quoted. Ultra Bookings will never be responsible for any incorrect quotation